Section Z Project INF
Information Infrastructure

Strategic research data and information management is a prerequisite both for good scientific practice, as well as FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data handling. Our CRC/TRR369 follows the guidelines by the German Research Foundation (DFG), as well as the guidelines of FAU and TUD for safeguarding good scientific practice and on the handling of research data.

The CRC/TRR will gather a wide variety of different data (e.g., images from microscopes/MRI/CT, RNA sequencing data, measurements from FACS/ELISA/CyTOF, other human and animal data, models, and clinical data) in large amounts (several terrabytes (TB)), in different labs at different sites – which need to be analyzed across projects and partners. To enable cooperation and collaborative work, we apply for an information infrastructure project (INF) that will be managed by the Zentrum für Informationsdienste (ZIH) at the TU Dresden. INF will set up a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for data and information management/analysis with tools to collect, manage, describe (metadata), archive, and share the data between researchers and projects at the distributed participating sites. The system will be based on existing infrastructure which can be used immediately at the start and will support quality control of the research data. All researchers of DIONE will be informed about the research data management procedures and infrastructure at the beginning of the project via online seminars, tutorials, and workshops. We will comprehensively address data safety and privacy issues (e.g., separation of research data and personal data, pseudonymization). The VRE will be developed and evaluated in a close cooperation with the CRC/TRR369 researchers.

INF will closely cooperate with Z01 and Z02 regarding data collection, transfer, and integration and the services centres for data management at our universities (CDI – FAU Competence Unit for Research Data and Information and the Core Unit for Bioinformatics, Data Integration and Analysis, Service Center Research Data at TUD).

Data management
